Boost Your Business With 360-Degree Feedback Surveys


How 360-Degree Feedback Surveys Can Boost Your Business | Checkbox

Whether you work within healthcare, education, legal or something else, the success of your business will depend on how well your staff perform. To succeed, we must aim to continuously improve – and 360-degree feedback surveys are the perfect tool for the job!

A solid 360-degree employee survey template will let individual members of staff understand where there is room for improvement. This precise focus, comprising feedback from a range of colleagues and managers, allows organizations as a whole to make meaningful progress.

Creating a 360-degree employee survey action plan is made simple by Checkbox. Our online employee survey tools are the easiest and most intuitive on the market, making collecting feedback a breeze. 

Discover how Checkbox will help your business by requesting your free demo.

What is a 360 Feedback Survey?

As the name suggests, 360 feedback surveys gather feedback about individual employees from those around them. The purpose of a 360 survey is to get a holistic view of what is going well, what can be improved, and the overall sense of satisfaction. 

360 feedback surveys offer individual employees multi-dimensional assessments of their performance at the business. These can encompass everything from technical skills and facilities, through to interpersonal relationships and leadership effectiveness. 

Other survey types, like pulse surveys, aim to understand how well the organization is catering to the needs of its employees, customers, clients, and patients. In comparison, 360 surveys assess what employees are bringing to the business, how well they are performing, and where improvements must be made.

Benefits of 360-Degree Feedback Surveys

360 surveys make your team more collaborative

Employee survey forms are a simple yet flexible method of engaging staff in professional communication. When individuals understand their own performance in a clearer way – through both positive and negative responses – it opens a path towards effective workplace communication.

360 surveys foster a relationship with open communication, while their anonymous nature results in increased honesty. And when colleagues and leaders feel that they can give honest feedback, teams as a whole benefit from improved cohesion and idea-sharing.

With Checkbox’s online surveys, you can personalize your security permissions so that respondents feel safe in their feedback.

360 surveys empower you with data-informed decisions

Gathering feedback through Checkbox’s employee survey tools means more than just answers to your questions. By leveraging our out-of-the-box reporting and analytics, data analysis and storage is improved.

Feedback data is also stored and analyzed in one place, making decision-making easier when holding appraisal meetings or assessing employee performance,

Checkbox’s in-built analysis tools track user responses, and collate and visualize data; all to help you really understand how employees are performing and why.

360 surveys promote self-awareness and boost team dynamics

The key to 360-degree feedback surveys is that the process encourages reflection on your own work and the performance of others, while the responses enhance self-awareness.

The 360-degree employee survey format promotes reflection and introspection that ultimately boosts performance between team members. And depending on the structure of your business, the holistic approach of 360-degree feedback is time-efficient. 

HR teams are able to employ the 360-degree employee survey format to consolidate staff survey processes into one larger effort, rather than surveys persisting on staff to-do list all throughout the year. 

How to Create Effective 360-Degree Feedback Surveys

Depending on which industry your business operates within, and the kind of experts that make up your team, the specific aims and objectives of your 360 survey will vary.

For example, businesses within the healthcare industry may use 360-degree feedback surveys to register patient satisfaction with particular individuals, as well as feedback from colleagues. With direct feedback from peers as well as more senior, experienced medical professionals, individual doctors and nurses can more effectively improve their all-round performance.

Examples of 360 Survey Questions

All 360 surveys have the communal goal of gathering holistic feedback surrounding employee performance. And when you’re building out your own bespoke feedback survey template or employee survey template using Checkbox, you can tailor every aspect of this holistic approach to your own business. 

With our flexible software and the option to edit surveys without code, integrate APIs, and create dynamic user profiles, you'll access high-quality feedback that speaks to your focus areas.

To help you get started with creating your own 360-degree surveys with Checkbox, here are some common 360 survey questions:

  • How effectively does the individual communicate ideas and information with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders?
  • To what extent does the individual inspire trust, provide vision, and drive a culture of open accountability in their team?
  • How proficient is the individual in identifying issues, analyzing problems, and generating effective solutions?
  • In what ways does the individual prioritize patient needs, communicate effectively with patients and their families, and deliver care with dignity and respect?

360-Degree Feedback Surveys Summary

360-degree feedback surveys are the ultimate way to gather holistic feedback information from your employees or clients, analyzing and evaluating your organization from top to bottom. 

With Checkbox, your business will benefit from data-driven decisions that center the needs of your customers, patients, and employees. By understanding what drives employee and patient satisfaction, your business will be opened up to enhanced success.

To start benefiting from survey data and kick-start your employee survey action plan, join Checkbox for a free demo to see how surveys will elevate your business.

June 6, 2024
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