Unlock the Power of Qualitative Data With Our AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis Tool


Unlock valuable customer insights with our AI sentiment analysis tool. Automatically analyze text responses to detect positive, negative, or neutral sentiment, helping businesses enhance customer experience and drive growth.

Data is worth its weight in gold, but all data isn’t created equal. There are two kinds of data and insights a company can gain through the research process. Quantitative data, such as numbers and metrics and qualitative data such as written, long-form responses. 

Quantitative data has always been easier to collect, graph, and visualize. Qualitative data on the other hand, is a completely different beast. Historically, qualitative data sets, such as open-ended text responses from surveys were challenging to process into meaningful insights. Manual analysis required extensive time and effort to categorize, code, and identify themes and sentiments within the data.

Until now…

Thanks to advancements in AI and natural language processing (NLP), the analysis of qualitative data can now be automated. This allows organizations to handle large volumes of text data efficiently. In turn, this makes it much easier to uncover patterns, sentiments, and key themes.

Checkbox is excited to launch our first AI feature to unlock these valuable qualitative data sets: Sentiment Analysis. 

When it comes to valuable customer insights, sentiment is at the top of the list. The consumer’s general perception of a product or service is often the deciding factor when they are making a purchase. Companies invest billions of dollars in strengthening customer relationships, increasing loyalty and fostering a positive perception and reputation. But how can you improve something you’re not fully aware of? That’s where monitoring customer sentiment comes in. 

What is Sentiment Analysis & Why Does It Matter? 

Sentiment analysis is the process of analyzing text to determine whether it expresses a positive sentiment, a negative sentiment or a neutral sentiment. With our first AI feature, users can now unlock these valuable qualitative data sets. Each response in Checkbox is now linked to an open-ended text question and is analyzed on a -1 to 1 scale for negative or positive sentiment respectively. The score itself represents a confidence level. 

This information is exposed both on the individual response level as well as across responses on an aggregate level for use in analysis and reporting. The score is also made available for driving workflow automation using Checkbox Action Items (e.g., webhooks, email alerts, etc.). For example, you can trigger a follow-up with the respondent to occur for particularly negative sentiment responses, closing the loop and improving the customer’s experience. 

a screenshot of the Checkbox AI Sentiment Analysis tool and how to use it

Today, companies have large volumes of text data in the form of emails, customer support chat transcripts, social media comments, and reviews. Sentiment analysis tools allow companies to evaluate all this information to gauge how customers feel about their products, services, or overall brand experience. 

Organizations can use sentiment analysis to; 

  • Learn what customers love about their product or service 
  • Pinpoint what frustrates customers and improvements that can be made
  • Discover customer needs and new areas of growth 
  • Address negative feedback quickly 
  • Mitigate potential damage to their reputation
  • Stay ahead of potential crises by responding proactively to issues
  • Identify pain points and friction points in the product or service
  • Get a clearer picture of how they compare to competitors

A screenshot showing how the AI sentiment Analysis tool allows you to see how customers feel about a product/service

This is only the first step down this path for Checkbox. We will continue to develop additional tools to unlock larger and larger sets of qualitative data.

Along the way, deployment flexibility will be a core focus for us. As organizations require more and more data, owning and controlling this data locally has become increasingly advantageous. 

Organizations are finding that they can achieve higher levels of customization and better data governance when they manage their infrastructure on-premises. This is critical functionality for organizations seeking to maintain data cost, security, and sovereignty. Thus, in the near-term future, our customers will be able to deploy their own Sentiment Analysis models within Checkbox On-Premises to maximize efficacy.

If you want to see how our Sentiment Analysis tool can help your organization gain quality insights, sign up for our free trial

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October 22, 2024
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