Promoting Diversity with Demographics & DEI Surveys


Diversity, equity, and inclusion are key to a healthy workplace. Discover your demographics and make positive change with DEI surveys with Checkbox.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core tenets to organizations of all kinds. Every individual member of staff brings different characteristics, perspectives, and experiences which should be honored and respected.

Improving diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a core goal of many organizations across all industries. If you are looking to boost D&I in your organization, download our eBook on the top five ways to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

To keep on top of diversity within your organization, and to assess the demographics present within your workforce, it is best practice to run regular demographics surveys and diversity surveys.

DEI surveys focus on measuring different aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion within an organization. They assess employees' perceptions and experiences related to these areas, helping to identify gaps and areas for improvement.

Demographics surveys collect data on the personal characteristics of employees, such as age, gender, ethnicity, education level, and more. This information is crucial for understanding the makeup of the workforce and identifying trends and patterns.

Gathering diversity survey data is easy with Checkbox. Our online survey tool allows you to send secure surveys and to access insights using our reporting and analytics features. Make meaningful changes to DEI in your organization; request a free survey demo with Checkbox today.

Benefits of Diversity & Demographics Surveys

Promoting inclusion within your organization

One of the core aims of diversity surveys is to promote a sense of inclusion and belonging for all staff within the organization. 

Running demographics surveys gives your leadership team and HR staff an improved understanding of the people who make up your organization. With this renewed understanding comes boosted inclusion.

Go one step further and share your demographics survey data with the wider team to create an improved sense of community. Promoting an environment for all staff members, that’s inclusive of all religions, genders, ethnicities, and more, does great things for company culture.

Assess diversity to address gaps

When leadership teams collect demographics data, it needs to have a vision and purpose. For many organizations, this purpose is assessing diversity levels and diversity gaps so that actions can be planned and implemented.

Furthermore, D&I survey questions cover a wide range of issues. This may include religious belief and faith, gender and sex, or even economic background. This inherent variety means that addressing diversity gaps requires focus and data. 

If your organization is working to tackle diversity gaps, you need to know where those gaps are. Primary data collection at regular intervals empowers leaders to take the necessary actions to improve diversity and inclusion by tackling the gaps where they exist.

Checkbox survey analytics feature makes it easier to spot these correlations. Our dynamic insights make your survey data more meaningful and makes designing actions extra straightforward.

Create community in the workplace

Diversity surveys highlight areas where employees may be feeling excluded or undervalued. By asking DEI survey questions like “do you feel comfortable expressing your opinions and ideas at work?”, HR and leadership teams can understand where the organization should improve. 

It can seem like focusing on the negativity, where people are not feeling included, is counter-productive to creating a sense of community. But for many employees, transparency means a lot.

By being transparent about shortcomings, and openly committing to improving inclusion within the workplace community, everybody in your organization feels the benefit.

What to Include in Your Demographic and DEI Surveys

Demographics surveys aim to gather information on the personal characteristics of the individuals who make up your team. So, it is important to include a variety of DEI survey questions that will cover all of your bases.

Checkbox has made it extra easy for organizations to get started with diversity and inclusion surveys, with our D&I survey template. Customizable, to make the most of surveys for your business needs, this demographic survey template is a great place to start.

Diversity Characteristics

This will come as no surprise – one of the key elements to survey in your diversity, equity, and inclusion surveys is diversity! This means understanding the social makeup of your team, including how they identify themselves in terms of gender, sexuality, race, disability, and religion.

Gathering this crucial information about how your team identifies can be made even simpler with Checkbox’s dynamic user profiles

Personal & Employment Information

When undertaking a demographics survey in the workplace, it is crucial to gather information about the individual respondent specifically, including their employment details. This enables you to analyze the relationship between characteristics and seniority, promotion history, and opportunity. 

For example, gathering this data could help to elucidate a connection or correlation between LGBTQIA+ employees and delayed promotions. This is how unconscious bias can be revealed, which enables HR teams to tackle it.

Perception of Equity

Equity, related to the concept of equality, is fairness and impartiality. In the professional world, this means treating everyone fairly, which encompasses giving equal opportunities and fair compensation to all staff. 

DEI surveys offer leadership teams a view on how equitable staff find the workplace to be. This can reveal unfair treatment, systems, and processes that had previously gone unnoticed.

Feeling of Inclusion

Inclusion encompasses how valued and respected employees feel by their managers, leaders, and colleagues. It also relates to company culture and equity, as the levels of inclusiveness in an organization rely partly on fairness of opportunity and payment.

An example of a non-inclusive environment might be company socials always orienting around alcohol, which would be inconsiderate to those of the Islamic faith.

Diversity and Inclusion Survey Question Examples

  • Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity?
  • What is your highest level of education?
  • Do you identify as having a disability? If yes, please specify.
  • What is your current job title?
  • How long have you been with the company?
  • Do you believe that opportunities for advancement are available to all employees?
  • Do you feel that your compensation is fair compared to others with similar roles?
  • Do you feel comfortable expressing your opinions at work?
  • Do you believe the company provides adequate training on DEI topics?

DEI and Demographics Surveys Summary

Demographics and DEI surveys are vital tools for creating a more inclusive, equitable, and productive workplace. 

By carefully designing these surveys and leveraging the insights they provide, HR professionals can drive meaningful changes that benefit both employees and the organization as a whole.

To get started with demographics surveys to boost diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization, request your free demo with Checkbox.

July 16, 2024
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