Fresh Look, Better Insights: Introducing The New Checkbox UI!


Checkbox has unveiled a sleek new UI designed to improve user experience, boost productivity, and simplify the research process. Discover how our new look UI, enhanced navigation, and upgraded reporting tools will make it easier than ever to collect valuable insights.

2024 has been a year of exciting developments at Checkbox. From a pivotal partnership and our new WhatsApp integration to launching our first AI feature, we’ve been busy elevating our product and service and we’re just getting started! 

Which brings us to the most visual change we’ve made recently - upgrading the user interface. After going untouched for years, our UI has gotten a major makeover and not to brag or anything, but we think it looks great (and our users agree)!

This refresh brings a modern, sleek new look, and changes to our global navigation, search, reporting, and charts. For example, the Surveys Page now allows users to search for surveys by creator, name, and date, enabling a modern search-driven workflow as survey volumes increase. Additionally, many actions which required opening a survey are now available directly from the Survey Page:


A software application’s success is intrinsically linked to the user experience it offers. Today’s consumer expects the software they use to fit seamlessly into their day-to-day tasks. The second it feels clunky, cluttered, outdated, slow or unintuitive, they’ll use the software less (or not at all). 

For an organization that’s hungry for valuable insights at their fingertips, usability is everything. We’ve optimized our products for easy use because we know that it impacts the quantity and quality of the research. 

Our new UI will lead to faster workflows, higher productivity, better compatibility with new innovations and ultimately, better survey results that companies can implement to improve their products and services. 

An Inside Look at the Our New UI

Checkbox’s new UI is a huge upgrade that delivers in both form and in function. The most evident changes are modern design elements, easier navigation and a cleaner layout. On top of the look, we’ve enhanced the user experience by implementing all new and updated chart libraries. With these changes our users have access to more interactable and useful reporting to make data management easier. 

Throughout this project, one of our core tenants was balancing innovation with familiarity. We did this by focusing primarily on UI (user interface) updates and upgrading behind-the-scenes infrastructure, which will then allow us to make more significant UX (user experience) changes over time. Because our users had several years with the old UI, it was important to introduce a meaningful update while minimizing disruption to existing workflows and overall experience. Users will be able to pick-up this new interface quickly and more significant changes can be introduced piece-by-piece in the future.

As an example, you’ll notice in the following screenshots that significant new functionality was added to the Responses graph, but also that the page is still oriented in a tabular format and actions are still found in the same locations.



More Upgrades On The Way

As Checkbox has evolved and we’ve added new features to our service, it’s important that our users continue to have a smooth and enjoyable experience. The new Checkbox UI furthers our ultimate goal: to elevate your surveys and empower you to gain more insights faster. This update is a huge win for our team, and we’re just getting warmed up! We’ll continue to bring new features and advancements that deliver more value to our entire user base. Watch this space! 

Want to try out the new Checkbox for your company's survey and market research needs? Get your free trial here

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October 17, 2024
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